First steps for Nirwood Project

Nirwood_01/ July 6, 2017

Project Nirwood; first steps Nirwood project started on first May 2017. We already signed our agreements with the European Commission and we are currently carrying on with our first technological targets following our ambitious working plan for the Project. To carry on a test sampling in Spanish xylotheques, sawmills and forestry exploitations to refine our methodology. We used three commercial and portable NIR devices (with different wavelenght ranges and precission each). Test included both the field work and the chemometrical analysis of thousands of spectra taken during the last 2 months. Thanks to the results of this phase of the project we will know the spectral ranges of interest to determine the wood properties, with the objective of integrate  it into our own NIR spectrometer (NIRwood).   To define the specific targets of our international sampling. We will choose the most representative species and localities for our data base, on the basis of their commercial interest and threat level. At the same time we are starting to design our spectral data base and the app architecture and interface

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